Volunteer Awards
The Capital Area Greenbelt Association (CAGA) honored five outstanding volunteers at its annual Awards Picnic on April 21, 2024, at Fort Hunter Park. CAGA President, Doug Hill, chaired the event, and Dr. Nathan Reigner, PA Director of Outdoor Recreation, spoke about the Greenbelt and the importance of trails and outdoor recreation to the PA economy.
CAGA recognized
- Bob Gilliland for trail maintenance,
- Louis Searles for improved signage and detour development,
- Michael Shaull for serving as CAGA president for three years during COVID,
- Kyle Williams for leading Subaru Ambassadors for Faulkner Subaru Harrisburg, and
- Sue Wright for leading maintenance projects on the Paxtang Parkway.
Each awardee was presented with a plaque engraved on wood reclaimed from a fallen tree on the Greenbelt trail prepared by CAGA volunteer Mike Krempasky. Hungry Hook Farms donated door prizes of native plants.
These five volunteers were selected for special recognition from the many volunteers and members who donate time, effort, and skills to maintain the Greenbelt’s 24-trail network that connects the region through five municipalities.
Richard (Dick) Norford
PR Director
Capital Area Greenbelt Association