How to Win Prizes at 2023 Tour de Belt​

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The Tour de Belt is a fun way to see the Greenbelt, meet up with old friends, and make new ones. It’s also the only fundraising event for the Capital Area Greenbelt Association. 

This year, we’re adding a new twist. All participants can individually fundraise and win some great  prizes, including a prize basket worth $300 from Covanta, one of our Champion level sponsors. Second and third prizes are the same – a set of two tickets to the Dauphin County Jazz & Wine Festival.

Participants can share this link with friends, family, and colleagues. To make it super easy to share on social media, we put together some sample text below. Feel free to add your own flair!

SAMPLE TEXT: I’m participating in the Capital Area Greenbelt Association’s Tour de Belt on Sunday, June 4. The event will take me along the 20-mile Greenbelt. If you can’t join me, could you please sponsor me? Funds raised go toward CAGA’s work to maintain the trail and, I could win prizes! Here’s the link to the page where you can make your donation. Thanks!

We’ll be sharing more news in the coming weeks as we count down to the 2023 Tour de Belt, Sunday, June 4!
The contest is open through July 3. We’ll announce the winners on July 5. Winners can pick up their prizes at Abrams & Weakly General Store for Animals on 6th Street in Harrisburg. Prizes not picked up by August 4, 2023 will be forfeited.